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Mr Palitoy's Cardback Guide


SW 12A Cardback

SW 12B Cardback

SW 12C Cardback

SW 20 Cardback

ESB 30A Cardback

ESB 30B Cardback

ESB 41A Cardback

ESB 41B Cardback

ESB 41C Cardback

ESB 45A Cardback

ESB 45B Cardback

ROTJ 45C Cardback

ROTJ 65A Cardback

ROTJ 65B Cardback

ROTJ 65C Cardback

ROTJ 65D Cardback

ROTJ/TL 70A Cardback

TL 70B Cardback

TL 70C Cardback

TL 70D Cardback

ESB GM45A Cardback

ESB GM45B Cardback

ROTJ GM45C Cardback

ESB CL45 Cardback

ESB KPS45A Cardback

ESB KPS47A Cardback

ESB KPS48B Cardback

ESB KPS48C Cardback

ROTJ KPS48D Cardback

ROTJ KPS48E Cardback

ROTJ KPS48F Cardback

SW Diecasts

SW Vehicles

SW Spaceships

SW Playsets

SW Large Action Figures

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 The 30B card differs from the 30A variation in 3 ways. The Palitoy logo on the front of the card is larger than that on the 30A, and is of the same size as that on the 12-back. Next, the font used on the Ages 4 and over text on the top right hand corner on the front of the card is different between the 2 variations. Lastly, on the back of the card, it says Made in Hong Kong on the white border in the bottom right hand corner of the card. This card variation, and all card variations up until 30B were manufactured in Hong Kong at the Kader Industries factory by the Palitoy (Far East) Company Ltd and then shipped back assembled to the Coalville factory in the UK.

The original set of 10 ESB figures that appeared on the 30A card can also be found on the 30B variation, along with the second set of 11 ESB figures. This is despite the fact that the figures on the second of ESB figures do not feature on the back of the card! This suggests that the 30B variation came out after the 30A variation. The Dengar figure has still to be seen on this variation. Of the original set of 12 figures Princess Leia Organa, Chewbacca, Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi, Han Solo and Death Squad Commander are known to have been released on this card. The others bar Sandpeople have been reported as existing but with a single MOC example. This suggests they were a salesman example or similar and did not make it to retail. From the second set of 8 Star Wars figures Luke Skywalker X-Pilot is known to have been released. Again the others bar Greedo and Snaggletooth are reported as existing but with a single MOC example. This gives the known number of figures released on this card to be 29.

Leia Organa Bespin Gown reverts to her familiar full body shot and Luke Skywalker Bespin Outfit reverts to his gun drawn head and upper body shot on the front of the 30B cards. These are the pictures usually seen for these figures unlike on the 30A variation. This is the first card variation to feature the brown hair version of Luke Skywalker Bespin Outfit.

Single stemmed bubbles with a footplate were used on all figures on this card variation. The size of the bubbles varies to accommodate larger figures like IG-88 (Bounty Hunter) to smaller bubbles with a much longer stem like on Yoda.

It is possible to collect the first set of 10 figures that first came out on the 30A card variation on the 30B card variation as MOC and at least one Palitoy collector has achieved this. These figures are rare and expensive and it is another great achievement to have done this.

It is also possible to collect the second set of 10 figures (not including Dengar) as MOC and at least one Palitoy collector has also achieved this. Boba Fett is the rarest and most expensive of this set and it is another great achievement to have done this as well.