41B card is identical to the 41A variation with the only difference
being the vehicles and playsets shown on the reverse of the card. The
left hand box shows the Imperial TIE Fighter, X-Wing Fighter and Star
Destroyer playset. It says (With Figures) under the text for Star
Destroyer playset. This card variation, and all card variations up until
45A were manufactured in Hong Kong at the Kader Industries or Smile
factory by the Palitoy (Far East) Company Ltd and then shipped back
assembled to the Coalville factory in the UK. You can see is says Made
in Hong Kong on the back of the card above the right hand box. The
letter K next to it stands for Kader Industries and is the factory code
that was also shown on Kenner cards that were also manufactured in the
Kader Industries factory.
There are versions of this card that
have a small blue sticker over the (With Figures) text. This is because
the Palitoy version of the Star Destroyer playset did not include
figures. It is possible that there was a plan to include figures with
the playset which later changed, or it was just a mistake that they were
going to be included. In some cases the text was scored out with blue
biro pen. Presumably this was done in factory before the small blue
stickers were available.
is a sub variation where there is no factory code K for Kader
Industries next to the Made in Hong Kong Text which is the 41BN
variation. In this case the factory code is S for Smile Industries and
is to the left of the Greedo figure. This variation also has a
perforated punch compared to the 41B variation. All figures found
on the 41B variation can be found with the factory code K, whereas only a
subset can be found with the S factory code on 41BN. Also, the 41C card
variation which was manufactured later can only be found with the K
factory code. The 41BN variation is generally less common than the 41B,
though on some figures the 41BN is more common.
the Netherlands, the 41B variation was sold with a wrap round Clipper
sticker. The front of the card has the sticker on the right hand bottom
corner with the same text that features on the 45BN in the tilted white
box. The back of the card has the Clipper sticker on the lower half of
the card covering up the English text that is there. Since this was not
made up to be a Palitoy card, but a Clipper card, it is not given a sub
variation on the Palitoy cardback guide.
This card variation was also sold in the Dutch market with the addition of a wrap round yellow sticker.
stemmed bubbles with a footplate were used on all figures on this card
variation. FX-7 (Medical Droid) had quite a large stem compared to other
figures. This was also the first card variation which saw Ben (Obi-Wan)
Kenobi (Grey Hair) as opposed to Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi (White