GM45C variation was the last German card variation to be produced and
featured the ROTJ logo instead of the ESB logo. The card is identical to
the GM45B variation with the ESB logo on the front and back of the card
being replaced with the ROTJ logo. Very few figures have been found on
this card variation and they are really rare. There are just 6 that have
been found so far. These are Luke Skywalker (X-Wing Pilot), Leia Organa
(Bespin Gown), Boba Fett, Artoo-Detoo (R2-D2) (With Sensorscope),
(Twin-Pod) Cloud Car Pilot and Imperial TIE Fighter Pilot.
Palitoy factory ran out of Palitoy 45C cards for some of it's figures
and used German General Mills cards instead. The card has a Palitoy
sticker covering the entire bottom half of the reverse of the card to
cover up the German writing. This sticker had the same text as on the
back of the bottom half of the Palitoy 45C variation so that it matched
that card. This sticker has onbly been seen on R2-D2 (With Sensorscope)
and is known as 45CD on the Palitoy matrix. Only a few of these R2-D2
(With Sensorscope) cards have shown up with the sticker applied, and
even less of them without the sticker. The example below has the German
writing visible at the bottom of the card as the sticker has been
applied to the card at an angle.

card saw the same bubbles being used to seal the cards as were used on
the Palitoy 45B card. These were double stemmed bubbles or single
stemmed bubbles with a bubble number embossed in the bottom right hand
corner of the bubble. This card variation also used Tri-Logo style
bubbles which have rounded bubble corners and square corners on the back
plate as can be seen on the Boba Fett cardback below.

cards were almost half of the 11534 unused cardbacks acquired by Toy
Toni after the Palitoy factory in Coalville closed and subsequently made
into MOC with unused bubbles. Of the 4714 German cards 36 are of this
third card type GM45C. The unused cardbacks were 30 (Twin-Pod) Cloud Car
Pilot) and 6 Imperial TIE Fighter Pilot. For Imperial TIE Fighter
Pilot, the card was listed as Palitoy on the original sales list, but
this variation does not exist, so it is assumed to be German General
Mills which does exist.
Despite Toni having
so few of these cards, these account for most of the MOC examples as
there are so few of these cards that have been found. Luke Skywalker
(X-Wing Pilot) is a one of a kind cardback that was shop sold. Leia
Organa (Bespin Gown) has 2 examples, both Tonis. The Leia Organa (Bespin
Gown) shown above came directly from Toni and has tell tale signs of
iron marks. It is likely that some of these cards were produced but
never released to market, and they only got into collector hands through
Toni after he acquired them from the Palitoy factory after it closed.
Boba Fett was shop sold as examples of used opened cardbacks can be
found for this figure. And the R2-D2 (With Sensorscope) card was used
with a Palitoy sticker on the back as a Palitoy 45C replacement card for
the UK market. Other unique examples of figures on this card may exist.