70A card variation is a transition between the ROTJ 65-back cards and
the Tri-Logo 70-back cards. It is often called a Hybrid. The front is
similar to the 65A, 65B and 65C variations with the text Ages 4 and up
in multiple languages on the top left and right hand corners of the
card. The ROTJ logo has no black border underneath it though, making it
the same as the 45C and 65D variations in that respect. The back of the
card has the ROTJ logo tiered from right to left in English, Spanish and
French at the top. To the right of this is the text Action Figures
Collect all 70 in English, Spanish, German, French, Italian and Dutch.
Underneath this the figures are listed with the numbering ending at 79
rather than 70! The numbers 22, 24, 25, 44, 52, 55 and 60 are missing
from the figures and the names listed underneath. The 9 figures that are
missing are Greedo, Hammerhead, Snaggletooth, Walrus Man, Power Droid,
Bespin Security Guard (White), Cloud Car Pilot, Bespin Security Guard
(Black) and 4-LOM. Two of the figures, Paploo and a nameless Ewok
Warrior (presumably Lumat) are blacked out in the same way as Logray
(Ewok Medicine Man) and Chief Chirpa were on the 65A variation. Though
why they bothered here is odd, as other Ewoks are shown in the figures
not blacked out, so the cat was definately out of the bag. It may be the
case that those figures were not finalised at the time. At the bottom
of the card is the Palitoy manufacturers address in the UK and
underneath it is one in French for Miro-Meccano and Clipper Benelux. To
the right of this is a large white square where stickers or writing
could go. This card variation was manufactured in a number of European
factories, including the Coalville factory in the UK.
Only 6
figures could be found on this card variation. These are Greedo,
Hammerhead, Snaggletooth, Bespin Security Guard (White), Cloud Car Pilot
and Bespin Security Guard (Black). These are 6 of the figures missing
from the listing of figures on the back of the card! The other missing
figures are Walrus Man, Power Droid and 4-LOM and have never been seen
on any Tri-Logo 70-back, though some have appeared as miscards which
were common on Tri-Logo cards. Death Squad Commander, despited being
listed, also never appeared on any Tri-Logo 70-back card.
card featured the Tri-Logo style bubble. This is a large rectangular
bubble with rounded corners. The bubble is quite thin and easily damaged
so it is hard to find MOC examples with this bubble which are in good
condition. The figure tends to rattle around inside the bubble. Even
Snaggletooth which is a small figure uses this large bubble.  