the Netherlands, the 65A variation and also the 65B and 65C were sold
with a wrap round Clipper sticker. The front of the card has the sticker
on the right hand bottom corner with the same text that features on the
45BN in the tilted white box. The back of the card has the Clipper
sticker on the lower half of the card covering up the English text that
is there. Since this was not made up to be a Palitoy card, but a Clipper
card, it is not given a sub variation on the Palitoy cardback
are also examples that have an additional tearaway mini catalogue
added over the wrap round Clipper sticker on the back of the card. Some
also have a small round yellow star sticker on the front of the card in
the top right hand corner of the card that says Nieuwe Premies Nouvelles
Primes. The phrase is the Dutch and French for New Rewards.

Palitoy overstock was sent to North American retail stores. Here is an
example of a 65A with a Kenner free coin offer sticker attached that was
sold at Wal-Mart.

card variation saw the first appearance of the Tri-Logo style bubble.
This is a large rectangular bubble with rounded corners. The bubble is
quite thin and easily damaged so it is hard to find MOC examples with
this bubble which are in good condition. The figure tends to rattle
around inside the bubble. This card variation also had double stemmed
bubbles found on 45 back cards. There a few figures that had different
sized bubbles from the Tri-Logo bubble, some with numbers embossed on
the bubble in the bottom right hand corner. Rees Yees used 016A, Klaatu
used 015A and Weequay used 013A. Some numbers were embossed across the
bottom of the bubble. Chief Chirpa used 04A and Luke Skywalker (Jedi
Knight Outfit) used 013C.
shaped bubble that fits round the head and shoulders of the figure can
be seen on the Luke Skywalker (Jedi Knight) figure as well as a Tri-Logo
and double stemmed bubbles.
figures appeared with bubble variations with a special bubble with a
smaller upper bubble above the main bubble to hold the figure's
detachable helmet. Lando Calrissian (Skiff Guard Disguise) had a
Tri-Logo style bubble and three different versions of this special
bubble. The first had a main bubble with a flat bottom, the second had a
double stem and the third had a single stem on the right hand side for
the weapon. This gives four bubble variations in total.
Leia Organa (Boussh Disguise) also had this bubble with the separate
bubble for the helmet. The first version had a main bubble with a flat
bottom, the second had a very small single stem, the third had a double
stem and the fourth had a single stem on the right hand side for the
weapon, giving four bubble variations in total.